Special ground modelDentists class of medical tools, champagne bottle opener, various art spray gun and nozzles, all kinds of parts sharpened, rounded, grinding foundry, development and manufacturing all kinds of finished products.
Sharpening moldingUse hand tools all kinds of seafood, corn tip pliers, various pins sharpened hook ........ textile yarn tools, all kinds of metal and nonmetal parts sharpening processing, all kinds of parts sharpened, rounded, ground manufacturing, development and manufacturing all kinds of finished products.
ChuijianElectronic Components terminals rounded, rounded variety of small motor shaft, all kinds of pet comb, various axis, all kinds of parts sharpened, rounded, grinding foundry, development and manufacturing all kinds of finished products.
Contact Us
Hong Gang CO.,LTD
Factory:No.83, Ln. 251, Zhanghua Rd., Huatan Township, Changhua County 503, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Factory:No.83, Ln. 251, Zhanghua Rd., Huatan Township, Changhua County 503, Taiwan (R.O.C.)